Sedona O2 Survival Formula

Sedona O2 - One Bottle


Sedona O2 Survival Formula the world’s premier preventative medicine and survival food, is the key to health and longevity. It delivers 131 micro- nutrients to every cell in your body and contains a blend of 28 metabolic enzymes,18 amino acids, and 85 trace minerals electrically charged in a proprietary base of humic-fulvic deuterium. By using scalar physics, SEDONA-O2 provides 100% optimal cellular nutrient absorption. This advanced multi-nutrient, immunological oxygen plus hydrogen-generating formula is rich with electrolytes. For anti-aging, it also enhances biochemical activities to restore your body’s optimum functionality.

The noticeable result? You’ll feel it and will never want to be without it.


Healing Power of Oxygen

SEDONA O2 also destroys free radicals with the enzyme catalase. Catalase breaks down hydrogen peroxide, a metabolic waste product in the body, and liberates oxygen for the body to use. Plants, cut flowers, and pets all flourish with SEDONA O2.
It has no side effects, is non-toxic, and can be taken by children as well as adults. It’s an excellent travel companion and is not affected by airport X-ray machines and other electro-magnetic influences. It is totally stable and becomes stronger over time. Additionally, SEDONA O2 is an outstanding way to purify water.

Directions: Pour 8 drops of SEDONA O2 in 8 oz. purified water or juice, stir and drink. Optimum use is 3 times a day and especially during stress or physical activity. Ideally to be taken no less than 15 minutes before meals or one hour after meals. Some prefer to prepare a water bottle full and sip the mixture throughout the day.

Benefits You May Experience

    • Excellent pH Balancer
    • Measurable Oxygenation
    • Increases Alertness
    • Better stamina
    • Athletic Results
    • Sedona O2 Survival Formula

To read about the ingredients in Sedona O2 – Click Here

To read more resource documents for Fulvic Acid and Humic Substances – Click Here

SEDONA O2 is the perfect companion for Master Detox and


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